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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Counselling?

I understand my job as providing a space for you where you feel cared for no matter what you say or have done, to help you understand yourself better and to help you to bring change about in your life.

When are sessions?

I currently see clients on:
Tuesday evenings online
Wednesday daytimes in a counselling room in my house in S35
Wednesday evenings at The Practice Rooms, Broomhill, Sheffield.
Please do get in touch if you are interested in any of those times. You can do this either by using the number or email at the bottom of the page or filling in the contact form on the Contact page.

How much does it cost?

All sessions cost £50 for a 50 minute session.

Where will sessions be?

I live in Sheffield, and work online and in person. If we are working online, I recommend finding a time you can meet that is quiet and away from other household members.


My sessions in person on Wednesday evenings are at The Practice Rooms, 5 Broomfield Rd, Sheffield S10 2SE. My in person sessions on Wednesday day times are at my house in S35 Sheffield.

How do we change?

I believed we change when we are cared for unconditionally; that whatever we reveal about ourselves, even the bits we hope no-one ever sees, we will still be cared for. I also believe that we need someone who will truly listen to us, both what we're saying and what we're not and who can see the parts of us that we cannot. We also need someone who has done the work on themselves so that they are clear what is their's and what is yours. I see my job as providing that for you, so that you can change.

Can I have a taster session?

Yes. The first session is 30 minutes, is online and is free. This is for both of us to decide if counselling will be helpful. There is no pressure to continue after the first taster session.

How do you use Music in therapy?

I understand a big part of my job as a therapist is to empathetically understand your experience and to communicate that understanding to you. What that means in practice is that there are often parts of ourselves that we're not aware of. I use music to play those parts of you, so that you can hear it and accept parts of yourself that are pushed down or ignored.

What issues do you work with?

I am open to working with most issues, but most of my experience has been working with people who want support with sadness, anger, anxiety, spiritual issues, self-harm and thoughts of suicide. I have lots of experience of working with young people and adults.

Why is it called Oak Branches Counselling?

I wrote a Haiku years ago about my Father's role in my life. It said: 


Solid Oak, Let me

Shelter Beneath Your



My experience is that part of therapy can be acting as a shelter from the storm.

What qualifications do you have?

I have a diploma from Temenos Education, which takes four years part time to complete and involved 200 hours of counselling before qualification as well as completing a dissertation and Viva. 


I also have an MA in Social Work.


I am a member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). This is a regulatory body for Counsellors. This means that I hold to a code of ethics and can be disciplined or ejected if I fail to live up to it.

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